Hello Northern Virginia!
We are delighted to announce our new office right in the heart of Front Royal, Virginia. Formerly Russell Insurance, Element Risk acquired this office a few months ago.
Adding the office increases our presence in the Mid-Atlantic region and helps our existing client in Pennsylvania and Maryland offices should they have an insurance need in Virginia. Further, our new clients in Virginia now have the ability to keep their agent should they need one in Pennsylvania or Maryland.
The carriers we work with there are also new. Loudoun Mutual, located in Loudoun County, VA, is a great partner for us in the property insurance space. National General and ALFA Alliance are also good partners for our Virginia clients. However, we are adding new carriers from our other offices, so the product offerings should continue to grow in that region.
While the core competencies of the agency historically have been personal insurance-related, through our expertise we are going to serve personal and commercial clients throughout Front Royal and Warren County. Our focus above all else is excellent customer experiences on every interaction.
Come in the office and see us! We’d love to connect with you and find out how we can serve you and the Front Royal, VA community!